Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 6
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Slow Computer
  • System crashes
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel

8800 Ransomware

If you have let 8800 Ransomware into your Windows operating system, your personal files – including private photographs or work documents – must be encrypted. If you can replace these corrupted files with copies that are stored someplace safe, you are good. Focus on deleting the malicious threat and securing your system against other similar invaders that could try to attack in the future. Even if you cannot replace your personal files, we suggest removing 8800 Ransomware as soon as possible. Before you do that, you might consider contacting the attackers and paying a ransom, but doing that would be a mistake, we are sure of that. According to our research, if you fulfill the demands of cybercriminals, you are unlikely to get anything in return, and getting your money back will be impossible also. Needless to say, we strongly recommend keeping your savings to yourself and, perhaps, investing it in your virtual security. So, how are you going to eliminate the infection and how are you going to protect yourself in the future? Continue reading to learn about your options.

8800 Ransomware is part of the Crysis/Dharma Ransomware family, which is why it is practically identical to Devil Ransomware, Dever Ransomware, Bitx Ransomware, Nvram Ransomware, and also thousands of other threats. They all, in most cases, use spam emails, RDP vulnerabilities, and bundled downloaders to slither in, and if victims facilitate that, they are unlikely to recognize danger in time. In fact, there is unlikely to be much time to delete 8800 Ransomware before it encrypts files and attaches the “.id-{unique id number}.[].8800” extension to their names. The threat does not only encrypt files. It also creates its own files. One of them is called “Info.hta,” and it is responsible for opening a window named “” The message delivered using this file informs that victims need to send the unique id number – the one that is included in the extension – to or After this, instructions showing how to pay a ransom in return for a decryptor should be sent. Even sending a simple email could put you at risk because cybercriminals could flood you with misleading and intimidating messages.

The second file created by 8800 Ransomware is called “FILES ENCRYPTED.txt,” but it appears to introduce victims to another email address that could be used for contact. That is, and of course, we do not recommend sending a message to this email address either. Hopefully, you do not need to send any messages because you have copies of all personal files stored in a safe location (preferably, outside the computer) and you can easily use them to replace the corrupted files after removing 8800 Ransomware from your computer. If backups do not exist, and if the lost files are important, you might be willing to take a risk. We cannot stop you from doing that, but you should exhaust all other options first. For example, have you tried consulting a professional? Have you looked into using free decryptors? Those usually do not exist for ransomware, but Dharma and Crysis decryptors have been created by malware researchers, and perhaps, you can use them to decrypt the files corrupted by the 8800 variant as well. Of course, we cannot guarantee that that is possible, and you also need to be cautious when downloading decryptors.

We have created a guide that explains how to delete 8800 Ransomware components, but we cannot help you eliminate the file that is responsible for it all. Do you know where the launcher of this infection could be? If you know its exact location, go ahead and delete it instantly. If you cannot find the file, do not go around deleting everything in sight because that could cause more damage. Instead, install an anti-malware program that will automatically find and remove 8800 Ransomware components. Also, if one ransomware threat exists, it is always possible that others exist as well, which is why an anti-malware program can be extremely useful. Of course, the most important purpose of such a program is to secure your system to ensure that new threats cannot invade it again. Needless to say, if you want to avoid new threats, you need to secure your computer.

8800 Ransomware Removal

  1. If you can find the {unknown name}.exe file that launched the infection, Delete it.
  2. Launch File Explorer by tapping Win+E keys at the same time.
  3. Enter the following lines into the quick access field and to find and Delete ransomware files, Info.hta and {unknown name}.exe:
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    • %APPDATA%
    • %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    • %WINDIR%\System32\
  4. Launch Run by tapping Win+R keys at the same time.
  5. Type regedit into the dialog box and click OK to launch Registry Editor.
  6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  7. Delete all values that are associated with the ransomware (names could be random).
  8. Exit all utilities and then Empty Recycle Bin.
  9. Install a malware scanner you trust to perform a thorough system scan.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* 8800 Ransomware
  • Quick & tested solution for 8800 Ransomware removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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