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Danger level 5
Type: Adware


Adware.KMGuide is the latest Adware application. What Adware.KMGuide does is it simulates a web surfer and clicks on links within a hidden IE window.

Some instances of this adware may also tend towards the downloading and installing of the alternative security risks.

Adware.KMGuide is highly likely to redirect the infiltrated PC user’s browser search requests to its affiliate websites. Once a computer user visits the affiliated website, they may be prompted to install an ActiveX plug-in, which will give the adware parasite permission to install onto the user’s computer.

Once the Adware.KMGuide program is installed it will start to display very intrusive pop-up messages and advertisements. The pop-up messages may take up all of the available workspace on a users screen, rendering their computer useless for several moments.

Unfortunately, the end-user typically has no knowledge of the presence of adware ... until things start to go wrong.

Although this type of program is not always malicious, it has been known to perform suspicious activity such as monitoring the user’s internet behavior, forwarding that along (with information regarding the other programs on your computer) to third-party sources.

The main focus of Adware.KMGuide is to display targeted advertisements based on the user’s personal interest. These advertisements typically pop-up from every direction, often leading to spam emails and terrible system performance.

Should a computer system have been infected with this malicious software; it is recommended that it be removed immediately.

While it has been known to work, there is a good chance that Adware.KMGuide may completely restore itself because of a multiple infection.

In this instance one can attempt to remove Adware.KMGuide from the Windows registry or with the aid of a fully functional and up to date anti-spyware program. It is recommended to consult an expert for step-by-step instructions on how to do just that – to ensure Adware.KMGuide is eradicated completely.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Adware.KMGuide
  • Quick & tested solution for Adware.KMGuide removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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