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Danger level 9
Type: Trojans

Other mutations known as:

Warning! Adware detected!

Warning! Adware detected! is a malicious warning message which has been designed in order to trick you.The truth of the matter is that the malicious Warning! Adware detected! actually comes from the rogue called Defense Center.Basically what will happen is that the moment your computer system has been infected by Defense Center you will notice that you will receive warning messages that will appear real.One of these warning pop up messages is the malicious Warning! Adware detected!.

You need to be aware of the following message:
\"Warning! Adware detected!
Adware module detected on your PC!
Zlob.Porn.Ad adware has been detected. This adware module advertises websites with explicit content. Be advised of such content being possibly illegal. Please click the button below to locate and remove this threat now.\"

You need to know that if you receive any of these messages on your computer then the chances are very high that you the malicious Defense Center rogue running on your machine.You are going to need to invest in a decent and effective antispyware removal tool that will be able to both detect as well as automatically delete the malicious Defense Center for you.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Warning! Adware detected!
  • Quick & tested solution for Warning! Adware detected! removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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