Danger level 6

Wannacry Detected Scam

Even if you are exposed to the misleading Wannacry Detected Scam, you do not automatically become a victim. That happens only if you pay attention to the fictitious security warning supporting this scam and if you call the bogus helpline number that schemers have set up to scam gullible users. The number linked to the scam is +1-844-528-4333, and it is linked to at least one more fictitious alert, which is part of the “Your Windows has been blocked +1-844-528-4333” scam. Both of these misleading warnings were introduced to users via the same website, which, at the time of research, was down. Hopefully, it will not go back up again, but it is always possible that other sites could be set up to introduce users to misleading scams. A good rule of thumb is that you should never trust alerts shown via random pages. Note that schemers can set up scam websites to look authentic, and so you have to be vigilant. Ignoring the scam, unfortunately, is not enough, and if you face the bogus warning, you need to inspect your operating system to see if you need to remove Wannacry Detected Scam-related malware.

“http://help.windows.18ts1uz.microsoft.especific.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/xmain3/” was the website representing the bogus Wannacry Detected Scam alert. According to it, an infection called “WANNACRY Virus” has invaded your operating system. This, most likely, alludes to the infamous Wannacry Ransomware that infected thousands of Windows operating systems and encrypted the files found on them back in May 2017. If this infection slithered into your operating system, you would NOT get a notification via a random page. In fact, this is unlikely to happen under any circumstances. The devious Wannacry Detected Scam is meant to trick you into thinking that you are in big trouble and that you need to call ++1-844-528-4333 to receive “technical assistance.” If you want to call real Microsoft technicians, this is not the number you must call. This one belongs to schemers, who might want to extort money, personal data, or admin privileges from you. Why schemers want this? Money is money. Personal data can be sold or used in other scams. And admin privileges could help malicious parties to take over your operating system. Surely, neither of these scenarios is better than others, and this is why you must disable the scam and, possibly, remove the existing malware.

Is malware responsible for displaying the Wannacry Detected Scam alert? That could be the case. The alert is represented via a webpage, and since you are unlikely to visit it on your own, redirecting must occur. You could be redirected to the page via a misleading link (e.g., a pop-up or a banner warning), but a malicious file could be responsible for that as well. Since both scenarios are possible, it is crucial that you inspect your operating system, which you can do using a legitimate malware scanner. Note that there are plenty of fictitious and even malicious scanners and malware removers online, and so you have to be careful and selective. The right malware scanner will thoroughly examine your operating system, and if any malicious components are discovered, you will be warned about them. Needless to say, you should not postpone the removal operation because the longer you wait to patch a security vulnerability, the more vulnerable you are yourself.

It is most likely that as soon as you close your browser, the misleading Wannacry Detected Scam will disappear. If malware is involved, of course, you need to delete it. Have you discovered that you need to delete Wannacry Detected Scam-related malware? If you have, why don’t you install a trusted anti-malware tool to have your operating system cleaned automatically? If you want to clear your system yourself, make sure you know what you are doing before you jump in. In either case – whether or not malware exists – it is a good idea to reset the browser via which the scam alert was shown, as well as clear browsing data. By doing this, you will ensure that no remainder of the scam is left behind.

Wannacry Detected Scam Removal

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch the browser and then tap keys Alt+H.
  2. Select Troubleshooting information and then click Refresh Firefox.
  3. Restart the browser and tap keys Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  4. Select the time range, check the boxes, and click Clear Now.

Internet Explorer:

  1. Launch the browser and tap keys Alt+T.
  2. Select Internet options and then click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Reset, then mark Delete personal settings, and click Reset again.
  4. Restart the browser and tap keys Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  5. Check the boxes representing what you want to clear and then click Delete.

Google Chrome:

  1. Launch the browser and tap keys Alt+F.
  2. Select Settings, scroll down, and click Advanced.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and then click Reset.
  4. Restart the browser and tap keys Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  5. Select the time range, check the boxes, and click CLEAR BROWSING DATA.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Wannacry Detected Scam
  • Quick & tested solution for Wannacry Detected Scam removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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