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Danger level 5
Type: Adware


Comscore.C is the updated version of the Comscore parasite. Comscore.C regarded by many an expert as a Spyware application. Although, obviously its creators tend to disagree.

According to research, the data Comscore.C compiles is used to create reports tracking e-commerce sales trends, Web site traffic and online advertising campaigns, to name a select few.

In over just a few years, Comscore.C has risen from obscurity to challenge larger rivals such as Nielsen/NetRatings. Comscore.C freely admits to tracking the activities of its customers, also called \"panelists.\"

Comscore.C does however insist that it fully discloses its practices and also protects the privacy of its customers by providing only aggregate data for its reports.

Comscore.C also promises to be of the practice of stripping out and discarding any information that could connect data back to any particular individual.

However, despite Comscore.C claims that it provides clear disclosure and consent, some privacy experts feel that there are a few discrepancies and ultimately controversy over Comscore.C software highlights gray zones for data collection companies.

Spyware is commonly thought of as software that is downloaded onto a PC without clearly disclosing all of its functions or without obtaining direct permission from the computer\'s owner.

Spyware typically slips onto a person\'s machine unnoticed as a scantly disclosed add-on, usually with alternative popular applications, such as file-sharing software, or via browser security vulnerabilities.

As is quite typical of Spyware applications, Comscore.C denies people reasonable control over the application, for example, the ability to easily uninstall it.
And, as the name ‘Spyware’ implies, these type applications typically ‘spies’ on people while they\'re surfing the Web. Spyware is highly capable of collecting passwords, bank statements and any matters of personal data, down to the keystroke.

In a more benign form, known as adware, such programs can be used to send ads based on people\'s interests. Spyware makers are getting trickier, exploiting Web browser flaws to get onto people\'s PCs and making it nearly impossible to uninstall their software.

In order to protect a computer system from the threat of Comscore.C one should adhere to the following rules:

1. Keep your Windows security updated
2. Download and install a reliable and competent anti-spyware application, one that will recognize the current Comscore.C threat, as well as any other forms of spyware, malware, viruses, worms, etc.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to this PC parasite, Comscore.C, is to remove it as soon as it has been detected on a computer system.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Comscore.C
  • Quick & tested solution for Comscore.C removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Comscore.C

Files associated with Comscore.C infection:


Comscore.C DLL's to remove:


Comscore.C processes to kill:


Remove Comscore.C registry entries:


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