1 of 5
Danger level 8
Type: Adware


Search.searchsmg.com is very similar to Search.searchwytsn.com, Search.gomaps.co, and other search providers represented by SaferBrowser. All of them have similar interfaces, and the main difference is in the collection of easy-access links that are attached. In our case, we can see links to different online gaming websites, including terraarcade.com, bigfishgames.com, and minecraft.net. Although these links are authentic, and you might find them useful, that is the only beneficial feature. Other than that, the search tool does not offer reliable search services, and we advise deleting it from your browsers right away. Most users dealing with this search tool recognize it as a browser hijacker that they are forced to install along with the Super Mega Gaming (also known as SuperMegaGaming) extension. The truth is that the extension is the hijacker, and, by downloading it, you acquire the hijacker itself. Is it becoming clear why you should remove Search.searchsmg.com?

The Super Mega Gaming add-on is offered for downloading at supermegagaming.com. Of course, third-party installers could be involved as well. Although we do not recommend installing the add-on at all, it is better to install it from the official download page because third-party installers could be packed with additional threats. According to our research, the extension is mostly spread across the US, Canada, and the UK, and so if you live in these regions, you have to be extremely cautious about the software bundles offered to you. If you let the extension in by accident, you will recognize your mistake as soon as you launch your browser. Search.searchsmg.com can modify the homepage and new tab page on all popular browsers, as well as the default search engine on Mozilla Firefox. As mentioned previously, the extension is represented via the hijacker itself, and so you cannot separate the two. Obviously, that is not what users expect when downloading the add-on, which is why most delete Search.searchsmg.com.

It was found that the files of Search.searchsmg.com are signed by Sail Machine. This company is the most common signer of the files that belong to SaferBrowser software, which poses the question of who the real creator of this software is. Overall, it is most important to recognize that it is unreliable. If you have used the search tool already, you know that it redirects to search.yahoo.com. Are you familiar with Yahoo Search? Do you trust this search provider? Most users are familiar with it and they do trust it. The creator of the hijacker has deliberately employed a popular search engine to make the search results shown to them look more trustworthy. Sure, some links will be identical to those that you would see if you searched directly from Yahoo search, but sponsored links could be included as well. Our research team is concerned with the content that could be delivered via these links. As a matter of fact, the main reason we recommend deleting Search.searchsmg.com is to avoid the suspicious advertisements.

Are you interested in removing Search.searchsmg.com manually? Many users are because they try to avoid installing reliable anti-malware software at all cost, which, of course, is silly. If you simply cannot invest in a good security tool at the moment, you might have to find and delete all threats manually. Luckily, you can use a malware scanner for free by clicking the Download link below. Perform a full system scan to learn what kind of malware you are dealing with. Keep in mind that all infections are unique, and the steps required for their removal are different. We have created a guide that shows how to remove the hijacker because that is the infection we are discussing in this report. Note that you can search through our article database to find the information you need on other infections.

You have one more option, and that is installing anti-malware software. Sure, you might dread the investment, but anti-malware software is irreplaceable. Opening email attachments, clicking on links, downloading software, and other seemingly harmless actions could all lead to the infiltration of malware, and only reliable security software can prevent it from slithering in. On top of that, are you sure you can erase all malicious threats yourself? Many infections are very complicated, and eliminating them manually is difficult. Even if you do not install anti-malware software now, we recommend doing that as soon as you get the chance.

Search.searchsmg.com Removal

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Tap Win+E to access Explorer and enter %AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ into the address bar.
  2. Open the folder that has your unique Mozilla ID in its name and then go to extensions.
  3. Right-click and Delete the file named @Games.xpi.
  4. Go back to the unique ID folder and open the file named prefs.js.
  5. Replace the URL of the hijacker with the desired URL.

Google Chrome:

  1. Tap Win+E to launch Explorer.
  2. Type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ or %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\ into the address bar.
  3. Open the Default folder. If you have multiple profiles, open the {unique Profile name} folder instead.
  4. Delete the folder named kclomdljajbkpjeedeecmpjieojknfmc.
  5. Go back to the Default/Profile folder and Delete the Preferences and Secure Preferences files.
  6. Now open the Local Storage folder.
  7. Delete the chrome-extension_kclomdljajbkpjeedeecmpjieojknfmc_0.localstorage-journal and chrome-extension_kclomdljajbkpjeedeecmpjieojknfmc_0.localstorage files.

Internet Explorer:

  1. Tap Win+R to launch RUN and enter regedit.exe.
  2. In Registry Editor move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
  3. Open the Start Page value and replace the undesirable URL. Click OK.
  4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\.
  5. Delete the key named SuperMegaGamin.
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