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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine


If your web browser’s homepage has been recently changed to a search engine called Searchwebme.com without your authorization, then we would like to inform you that your computer has been infected with a browser hijacker and that you need to remove it ASAP. This seemingly legitimate search engine has been set up with the intention of subjecting you with promotional links that are set to be displayed among the search results. Make no mistake, advertising revenue is the only reason this hijacker was created, and since no one would use it if it were distributed like a proper search engine, its developer has decided to distribute it using rather deceptive and illicit methods.

this browser hijacker comes with a toolbar for Internet Explorer, so it is compatible with this browser only. Both the extension and Searchwebme.com have been created by a company known as ClientConnect Ltd which is also responsible for creating toolbars such as IWinstore Toolbar, MyOneSearch and various search engines such as Go.next-search.net. So this company is not new to developing bad toolbars and browser hijackers and, therefore, its products cannot be trusted. ClientConnect Ltd has not been active for some time now, and Searchwebme.com is its first release since May 2016. We might see more of its releases shortly. Therefore, it is important to protect your computer by getting an anti-malware application.

If you do not have this hijacker, but want to know how to avoid getting it, then you should be aware that it is being featured on a website called Searchwebme.ourtoolbar.com that hosts the download of the browser extension that comes with Searchwebme.com. However, a dedicated website is not enough because it gets very few visitors due to lack promotion. So, ClientConnect has made arrangements for this hijacker’s accompanying extension to be bundled with malicious third-party installers that install the extension without informing or offering the user to deselect the installation. Hence, the malicious extension is set to be installed on your browser without your consent.

Once on your computer it will interact with Internet Explorer and set Searchwebme.com as the homepage. Now, you can rollback this change by uninstalling the extension via Control Panel or just change the homepage address via the browser settings because this hijacker is not known to prevent you from removing by hijacking the shortcut like, for example, iglobalsearch.com or Navsmart.info do. However, if you decide to keep it as your browser’s homepage, then be warned that you will put your computer’s security in jeopardy.

You can use Searchwebme.com as a regular search engine, but beneath the surface, there are some actions that this hijacker takes that are both unnecessary and malicious. When you enter a search query in its search box, it will redirect it to Myallsearch.com, a search engine that is a copy of a browser hijacker known as Mywebsearch.com.au. Myallsearch.com uses Google custom search to process the queries and present you with search results. However, we are concerned that the results can contain shady promotional links that can redirect you to phishing websites that feature malware downloads and various other scam sites. Therefore, it must be said that this hijacker’s search results are untrustworthy.

We think that you should also know that this hijacker is programmed to collect certain information about you. Its privacy policy states that it automatically collects the IP address only, but we want to point out that the IP address also gives your PC’s location. Interestingly though, the privacy policy states that “We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others, this includes but not limiting; Your name, address, email address etc.” Thus, we assume that it may collect personal information because it makes mention of it but does not clarify whether it collects it. As you can see from the quote, this hijacker’s owners only promise not to share it.

Our analysis has shown that Searchwebme.com is nothing more than a browser hijacker, therefore, it should be treated as such. If you want to keep your PC and out of harm’s way, then you ought to get rid of this hijacker from it as soon as possible. So, do not hesitate to make use of the manual removal guide included below this article.

Uninstall the extension from Control Panel

Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Select Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Highlight the unwanted program and click Remove.

Windows 8 and 8.1

  1. Open the Charm bar and Select Settings.
  2. Go to Control Panel.
  3. Open Uninstall a program.
  4. Highlight the program and click Uninstall.

Windows 7 and Vista

  1. Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Select Uninstall a program.
  3. Highlight the program and click Uninstall.

Windows 10

  1. Enter Control Panel in the search bar located on the Taskbar.
  2. Select Uninstall a program.
  3. Highlight the program and click Uninstall.

Change the homepage address

  1. Launch Internet Explorer
  2. Press Alt+T keys.
  3. Select Internet Options.
  4. Enter a new homepage address in the address line.
  5. Click OK.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Searchwebme.com
  • Quick & tested solution for Searchwebme.com removal.
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