1 of 2
Danger level 8
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine


Explorary.com greets you with a sleek interface and a rocket shooting up into the night sky. This should make an impression that the website is a search engine that allows you to explore the web as though you were an astronaut exploring the space. It sure is a nice allegory, but the sad thing is that Explorary.com is a browser hijacker. In other words, it is a malicious computer infection that needs to be removed as soon as possible. Albeit the program itself cannot destroy your system, it may be exploited by malevolent third parties for corrupted content distribution and malware promotion.

When you open Explorary.com, you can see that the page is entirely in French. Therefore, it is very likely that the browser hijacker is distributed mostly in the French language file sharing websites. There is no direct download link for the program, so the only way for it to enter your system is to come bundled with other freeware applications. For instance, if you downloaded some freeware app from a third-party website lately and then suddenly Explorary.com appeared on your browser, the chances are that the browser hijacker was included in that third-party installer that helped you install the aforementioned application.

Either way, now that you have a problem at hand, you need to solve it. First, we have to discuss the symptoms of this infection. Just like any other browser hijacker out there, Explorary.com takes over your homepage and default search engine. On the top of that, the program also adds a tool on the Mozilla Firefox browser. The other browsers affected by this hijacker are Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. When we tested this infection on a computer that had the Edge browser, we were not able to see any activity. However, it was still possible to install other additional programs, so you should not let your guard down even if you use Edge.

This infection will track your online activity to generate your online profile. Then, if you run a web search via Explorary.com, you can expect to encounter modified search results that will be altered according to your likes and preferences. Browser hijackers need to redirect you to affiliated websites so that their creators could make money via the pay-per-click system. However, the problem with such programs is that they do not check the reliability of the third-party content they promote. Thus, Explorary.com becomes a perfect malware promotion tool that can be exploited by almost anybody.

The longer this browser hijacker remains on your system, the bigger is the possibility that you will get infected with severe computer security threats. You should not take your chances. Please remove Explorary.com right now and then scan your PC to search for other unwanted applications. Since this program travels bundled with freeware, you are about to have multiple other undesirable apps that slow down your system performance and reroute you to dangerous websites.

Should you need any further assistance with software removal, please leave us a comment. Also, stay away from unfamiliar third-party websites that promote freeware, because you can never know when you could get infected with similar browser hijackers again. Take all the precautions to avoid severe computer security issues.

How to Remove Explorary.com

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Alt+H and click Troubleshooting information.
  2. When a new tab appears, click Refresh Firefox.
  3. Click Refresh Firefox on the confirmation box.
  4. Press Finish.

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and go to Internet options.
  2. Open the Advanced tab and click Reset.
  3. Mark Delete personal settings and press Reset.
  4. Click Close.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down and click Show advanced settings.
  3. Go down to the bottom of the click and press Reset settings.
  4. Click Reset to confirm.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Explorary.com
  • Quick & tested solution for Explorary.com removal.
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