Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel
  • Blocks system files from running
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • System crashes
  • Slow Computer

Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014

Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 is a devious Windows infection which could be installed onto the PC without your consent. The infection is presented as a legitimate security tool that can help you find and delete running computer infections; however, in reality, it is just another fake AV that has been designed to fool you, not help you. Our malware researchers warn that Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 removal will mostly affect those computer users whose operating systems are vulnerable. If the rogue anti-spyware has not corrupted the PC yet, you must install automatic malware removal software ASAP.

The malicious Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 mirrors the interface of your Windows 8 operating system. The rogue blends in so well that many computer users believe that the fake malware remover is part of the operating system itself. Of course it is not, and you should realize this as soon as you face the recommendations to purchase the full version of Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014, and it may come up to as much as $99.95. It does not matter how you feel about this sum. What matter is that you should NOT spend one dime on this fake malware detection and removal tool. If you register for the licensed version of the fake AV, your personal information, including credit card data and full name, could be employed by schemers. Needless to say, your virtual security would not gain the necessary protection as well. Keep in mind that Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 is a fake application, and you cannot trust it to detect and delete malware.

Did you know that Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 is part of a huge family known by the name Braviax? Infections related to this family are all known as “multi-rogues”. These infections are targeted at specific Windows versions, and so Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 may be followed by Rango Win 7 Antispyware 2014 and Rango XP Antispyware 2014. Needless to say, all Braviax infections require immediate removal. Unfortunately, even if computer users realize that they need to delete Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 or remove its clones, not all know how to perform the removal operation. The files of the fake AV can block executable files, and this means that you will face difficulty launching browsers and different Windows utilities (e.g. Task Manager). Due to this, it will be extremely difficult to install automatic malware removal software or delete the fake anti-malware manually.

You could try to delete Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 manually after rebooting the PC into Safe Mode; however, if you are inexperienced, you could cause more damage. If you are not sure whether you will not make mistakes, we do not recommend performing the manual Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 removal. Instead, you should trust automatic malware removal software. Do not worry if you have no clue how to install this software onto the operating system. We have prepared the step-by-step instructions which will guide you.

Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 Removal

  1. Tap the Windows key on the keyboard to access the Metro UI menu.
  2. Move the cursor to the bottom-right of the corner of the screen to open the Charm bar.
  3. Click Settings, select Change PC Settings, and then choose General.
  4. Scroll down to Advanced Startup and click Restart Now.
  5. Click Troubleshoot, select Advanced Options, and then click Startup Settings.
  6. Click the Restart button and then select F5.
  7. Wait for the PC to reboot into Safe Mode with Networking.
  8. Launch a browser and go to .
  9. Follow the instructions to install the automatic malware remover SpyHunter.
  10. Once the software is installed, scan the PC and delete the found threats.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014
  • Quick & tested solution for Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014

Files associated with Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 infection:


Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 DLL's to remove:


Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014 processes to kill:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "[random]" = "%LocalAppData%\[random].exe"

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