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Danger level 9
Type: Browser Helper Object
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Strange toolbar installed without Your permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • Cant change my homepage
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer


IncrediBar is a browser helper object (BHO) that is supposed to upgrade the browsing experience, but it only installs toolbar and additional adware programs that interfere with the user's Internet browsing habits. IncrediBar comes with freeware and bundled downloads, and most of the time the user installs this BHO himself during the installation of another program. For example, sometimes when you install a media player or a file sharing program, you are asked whether you want to install various toolbars and additional applications. Usually they are installed automatically, but if you can UNCHECK them, DO so, because if you don't you might as well end up with IncrediBar in your system.

Just like any other BHO, IncrediBar can breach your privacy and monitor your browsing habits. It monitors your activity on the Internet so that later on it could send you a load of commercial advertisements catering to your "tastes". Also, IncrediBar installs other suspicious toolbars and applications that can slow down overall system performance, or cut down the Internet speed.

One of the most annoying symptoms of IncrediBar infection is countless redirections to IncrediBar's homepage at Your default homepage will also be changed to IncrediBar's homepage, and if you have various favorite websites saved on your browser, IncrediBar will be sure to change them with random websites that all redirect to pages related to IncrediBar. To put it simply, no matter which browser you're using (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome), IncrediBar restricts your Internet browsing freedom and controls you like a puppet, directing you to one website or the other, even if you have no intention of opening those pages.

IncrediBar does not even allow you to successfully utilize such search engines as Bing or Google, so the only way to get your Internet freedom back is to remove IncrediBar from your computer. This BHO obviously does not want to be removed and manual removal can prove to be quite tricky. Therefore, if you want to make sure that the BHO removal is successful, you should erase IncrediBar with SpyHunter, because SpyHunter recognizes this BHO as a potentially unwanted program during the system scan and can remove it automatically. Automatic IncrediBar removal also makes sure your computer is scanned for any other possible infections.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* IncrediBar
  • Quick & tested solution for IncrediBar removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove IncrediBar

Files associated with IncrediBar infection:


IncrediBar DLL's to remove:



  1. leo Apr 1, 2013

    my grandmother has the incredibar

  2. Bebo Dec 2, 2015

    Hola recien lo degsarco, lo provare para luego decir como me fue, pero les adelanto que esto de los softwares es muy importante para el desarrollo de los universitarios y no la porqueria de esos ingenieros que ensef1an a lo antiguo, es decir solo teoria

  3. Paola Dec 4, 2015

    Hi MattWell it depends . If you have a large Environment of Linux mnchiaes then it is best practice to *****ign dedicated management server(s) in a dedicated resource pool for Linux. If you just got a few Linux computers and also Windows computers you can share this pool for both tasks.Technically a management server can reside in multiple pools.Regards,Stefan

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