fsdfwd.exe information

Danger level6

W A R N I N G !
fsdfwd.exe is related to Virus.Patchload.H. Virus.Patchload.H is an extremely dangerous malware and may violate your privacy. fsdfwd.exe indicates that your system is under serious security threat. We advice you to scan your computer for fsdfwd.exe and eliminate Virus.Patchload.H immediately!

  General information:
File name fsdfwd.exe
Classification Safe
MD5 b6bbfbc8796d81938a953b66098eca7b
File Size 188.10 KB
Category Process Monitor / ProcessesProcess Monitor / Services
Description F-Secure Anti-Virus Internet Shield daemon. fsdfwd.exe
File Path %program_files%\securitoo\av_fw\fwes\program\
Manufacturer f-secure
Product Name
/ Version
Good application

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