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Danger level 7

You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert

If you have been presented with the You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert, it means that you have somehow ended up on the http://babittedwinner.men domain showing this notification. You could have opened this domain yourself by mistake, you could have been redirected to it from another website against your will, or you might have some kind of malicious application installed on your computer. Most likely, you have allowed untrustworthy software to slither onto your computer if you see the fake alert open on your screen periodically. It is hard to say what program is associated with You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert because it might be any kind of untrustworthy application, but, according to our experienced researchers working at pcthreat.com, fake notifications/pop-ups/warnings are usually displayed to users by advertising-supported applications. If your computer has been infected with malware too, you will stop seeing You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert on your screen only when you erase that program from the system. Below this article, you will find instructions that might help you, but you should read this article till the end first before going to clean the system.

You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert claims that the user seeing it on the screen has been selected for a chance to win an expensive item, e.g. Samsung Galaxy 6, Playstation 4, or iPhone 7. If OK is clicked, he/she is asked to answer three questions. These are easy questions about the Microsoft Corporation, e.g. “Who founded Microsoft?”, but you should not spend your time answering them because we are sure that nobody is going to give you any prize even if you answer these three questions correctly. If you ignore our piece of advice and act the other way, you will see three chests after answering your questions; however, if you try to claim the prize, i.e. click on any of these chests, you will see a blank page. Such “lotteries” are usually used to obtain some personal information about users, so if you are asked to provide your personal details too after clicking on the chest symbol, you should not enter any personal information about yourself. We can assure you that you will not be given any prize. It is more likely that you will experience privacy-related problems if you provide any personal details. The provided information might even end up in cyber criminals’ hands without your knowledge.

There must be a reason why you see You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert. As mentioned in the first paragraph, you could have ended up on the domain with this fake alert after visiting a dubious page, clicking on a malicious link, or visiting http://babittedwinner.men by mistake. Additionally, it could have been opened on your screen by malicious software you have active on your computer. Specialists say that there are many untrustworthy programs that might be associated with this fake alert, but it is still very likely that an adware program is installed on your system if the fake alert is opened on your screen periodically no matter what you do. Such programs are usually spread with other applications in software bundles. Because of this, users do not know about their entrance. Of course, you could have downloaded and installed some kind of untrustworthy program from the web yourself. This might happen again in the future if you do nothing to ensure your system’s protection. We do not expect you to prevent all infections from slithering onto the computer all alone, especially if you are not an experienced user. Instead, we recommend that you install security software on your PC ASAP.

If You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert has been opened to you, you should immediately close your web browser to make it gone because you could have simply ended up on the domain containing it by mistake. We suspect that this will not work in all the cases. If it is shown by malware installed on the system, this alert will reappear on the screen again after some time. In such a case, you will get rid of it only by eliminating that untrustworthy program active on the system. If you cannot find it anywhere, you should scan your system with an automated malware remover. It will clean your system in no time.

Delete You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert

Remove suspicious software

Windows XP

  1. Click Start and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Select the untrustworthy program you want to remove and click Remove.

Windows 7/Vista/8/8.1/10

  1. Press Win+R on your keyboard.
  2. Insert Control Panel in the command line and click OK.
  3. Click Uninstall a program.
  4. Select the application you wish to erase from your computer.
  5. Click the Uninstall button.

Reset your web browsers to default settings

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Tap Alt and click Tools at the top.
  3. Click Internet Options.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Click Reset.
  6. Check the Delete personal settings box.
  7. Click Reset.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Press Alt+H.
  3. Click Troubleshooting information.
  4. Click the Refresh Firefox button at the top.
  5. Click Refresh Firefox one more time in the confirmation window.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome and tap Alt+F.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Click Reset.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert
  • Quick & tested solution for You Have Won Microsoft Gift Today fake alert removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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