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Danger level 6

Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up

If you notice Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up showing up in your browser window while you are surfing the net, you should know that this is a typical fake alert that is part of a technical support scam. We have seen the like in the form of “License has Expired +1-888-303-5121” and “1-877-884-5474 Google Security Warning Message” just to mention two out of the many that have been trying to fool unsuspecting computer users. This warning message claims that you have downloaded a program recently that has created problems on your system and you are supposed to call (0)203-808-8348 for technical support. Obviously, if you are an inexperienced computer user, you may not realize that this is just a scam to frighten you so that you call this telephone number. However, if you do so, you will not talk to a Microsoft certified technician as usually suggested in these cases, but a salesperson who will try to sell a certain service or software to you to fix this issue. If you see this malicious pop-up, it is possible that there is a malware program on board that redirects you to the website that displays it. Therefore, in order to remove Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up, you need to identify the malware infection that may have generated it.

We cannot tell you specifically which malware promotes this fake alert. But we can offer you a number of possible ways how this alert may appear in your browsers. For example, you may have installed a freeware bundle lately, which contained an adware program or any other infection that is capable of browser redirection. You can easily download such a bundle if you visit questionable websites, such as torrent, freeware, gaming, and gambling pages. As you may have noticed, these sites promote a lot of annoying third-party advertisements. What you may not know is that there can be contents on these pages that do not actually belong to the specific site, but they are indeed disguised third-party ads. These ads can look like a download button, a next-page button, a system notice, or any kind of alert really. The keyword here is deception. If you click on any of these, you could be directly redirected to the malicious page that scares you with Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up or you may simply download a bundle of malware threats that includes the infection responsible for the redirection.

We have found that you can also end up on this malicious site if you are using an illegal key generator to install the cracked version of some software. All in all, we advise you to run a reliable online malware scanner so that you can delete Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up by identifying all possible threat sources on your computer.

This fake alert can hit you when you get redirected to a malicious website, such as microsoft.windowssupport0901.online/e2/index1.html. Obviously, if your computer is protected properly by a security tool, your browsers could not even load this page as it would get blocked right away. However, if you are not protected, you will see a website that looks like an official Microsoft support site with all kinds of error codes making it appear more authentic and then a pop-up comes up that tells you about some alleged system error that could have been caused by a program you have downloaded recently. This part actually could be true; however, this malicious program activated this fake alert and not any other falsely claimed system error. If you are not an experienced user, you may fall for this trick and reach for you telephone right away to call the provided number.

However, we recommend that you do not do so because this is all a malicious scam to sell you some unnecessary system fixing software or service contract. In other words, if you call this phone number, instead of a certified technician you will talk to a salesperson wanting to sell you a fake product. You can easily be scammed to pay a hundred dollars or even more. If you do not want to be fooled, you should remove Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up right away and we are here to tell you how you can do this.

As a matter of fact, you can easily delete Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up from your screen by closing its tab or the whole browser window since this infection does not actually lock your screen or the browser either. If you were not redirected to this malicious site by clicking on corrupt content on another malicious page, you need to make sure that you remove all potentially harmful malware programs you can find on your system. You may try to do this manually by going through your list of installed programs in Control Panel (see below if you need help) and the list of extensions in your browsers looking for and uninstalling suspicious applications and add-ons. For best results however you may want to use a reliable anti-malware program, such as SpyHunter, that can automatically detect and eliminate all known malware infections.

How to remove Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up from Windows

Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10

  1. Tap Win+Q and type uninstall a program. Hit Enter.
  2. Click on the uninstaller and press Uninstall.

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Open the Start menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Pick Uninstall a program.
  3. Click on the uninstaller and press Uninstall.

Windows XP

  1. Click the Start button and pick Control Panel.
  2. Select Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Click on the uninstaller and press Remove.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up
  • Quick & tested solution for Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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