1 of 7
Danger level 6
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Changes default search engine
  • Hijacks homepage


Have you let Search.searchlen.com in? If you have, it is most likely that you were forced into letting this browser hijacker in. According to our tests and analysis, this search tool is automatically installed along with the Login Email Now extension by SaferBrowser, which is officially available at loginemailnow.com. Whether you download this add-on from its official source or using an unreliable installer that you might have been introduced to, the hijacker will come along, and you will have no other choice but to install it. In fact, the search tool is the core of the extension, and it was designed to introduce you to it, but most users do not even realize that some search provider is an integral part of the extension. This is not the main reason to remove Search.searchlen.com from browsers, and you can continue reading to learn more.

Search.searchlen.com is set to replace the homepage, new tab, and default search provider on Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer browsers. Notably, only the users of Firefox should witness the replacement of the default search provider. Although in most cases, users are informed about the changes, and they have to confirm them, they are forced into accepting these changes if they want to download the Login Email Now, which, as you now know, does nothing else but introduces the hijacker itself. Our researchers inform that Search.youronlinegamecenter.com, Search.easymoviesaccess.com, and many other infamous hijackers are forced upon users in the exact same manner. In the worst case scenario, these hijackers are spread bundled with other threats, which means that the removal process becomes more complicated. If you are not sure if malware has invaded your Windows operating system along with the hijacker, you can use a legitimate malware scanner to quickly inspect your operating system.

The setup of the suspicious Search.searchlen.com is signed by Sail Machine, the company that is associated with Search.yourradionow.com, Search.myclassifiedsxp.com, and other hijackers from the same family. The IE version of the Login Email Now add-on is published by Express Software. And then you have the name of “SaferBrowser” represented via the home page of Search.searchlen.com. Obviously, it is difficult to say who is the main player in this game, and this is likely to confuse users and conceal the real creator. Of course, users who are interested in the services of this software do not care for the creator at all. Once installed, the hijacker displays easy-access links to Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and Hotmail emailing services, and this is what is expected from Login Email Now that promises to help uses log into their email accounts faster. At this moment, most users of this software are located in the US, Canada, and the UK, which is not surprising, considering, that the software is fully represented in English.

Although Search.searchlen.com serves the purpose of providing access to emailing services, it is not beneficial in any other manner. Does it look to you like a regular search provider? Well, if you enter a keyword into this search tool, it will redirect you to Yahoo Search, and this is a bad sign. Even if you are redirected to a seemingly legitimate website or search engine, you should not ignore the fact that the hijacker can reroute you without your permission. On top of that, as our researchers have found, the search results shown via search.yahoo.com could include sponsored links. First of all, that might be annoying because it might disrupt you from finding the information you are looking for. Second, if the advertisers using this platform are malicious, you could be exposed to unreliable and even malicious links. If you understand the risk, you will delete Search.searchlen.com.

Most users want to erase unreliable programs manually because they do not think that using automated malware detection and removal software is efficient. In fact, if you employ reliable anti-malware software you will not only have Search.searchlen.com deleted, but your operating system will also gain the protection it needs. Although we do not claim that this browser hijacker is the most malicious piece of software, it cannot serve you in a beneficial manner, and so you should not waste your time with it. The guide below provides you with an option to eliminate this hijacker manually, but you should not forget to employ anti-malware software anyway to enable full-time protection.

Search.searchlen.com Removal

Internet Explorer:

  1. Launch RUN (tap Win+R keys) and enter regedit.exe.
  2. Move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\.
  3. Right-click and Delete the key named searchlen.com.
  4. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
  5. Right-click the value named Start Page and select Modify.
  6. Replace the URL of the hijacker and click OK.
  7. Move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\.
  8. Right-click and Delete the key named LoginEmailNow.

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch Explorer (tap Win+E keys) and enter %AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ into the bar at the top.
  2. Open the folder with a random name (check for the .default string).
  3. Open the prefs.js file (use Notepad) and delete the strings of the hijacker. Save the file before closing it.
  4. Navigate to the extensions folder.
  5. Right-click and Delete the file named @Email.xpi.

Google Chrome:

  1. Launch Explorer (tap Win+E keys).
  2. Enter %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ into the address bar (if you are using Windows XP, you will need to enter %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\).
  3. Open the folder named Default or named after your Profile username and move to the Local Storage folder.
  4. Right-click and Delete these files: chrome-extension_peegdljcadadeiekblkbdgipoemgkkmi_0.localstorage-journal and chrome-extension_peegdljcadadeiekblkbdgipoemgkkmi_0.localstorage.
  5. Go back to the Default/Profile username folder and open the Extensions folder.
  6. Right-click and Delete the folder named peegdljcadadeiekblkbdgipoemgkkmi.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Search.searchlen.com
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