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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is an unreliable search engine that is already active; however, we have found that the browser hijacker that is supposed to spread it all over the web is not yet really working. But sooner or later you may face this malware infection; and our experience suggests us that it will be sooner. We have discovered that this browser hijacker belongs to the infamous ELEX family of hijackers. If you find this search engine as your home page in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer as well, there is a good chance that this is not the only infection that may cause virtual security issues for you and your computer. It is quite possible that your browser experience has been distracted by annoying third-party pop-up and other types of advertisements. You need to be very careful with applications that may expose you to potentially unsafe third-party web content, such as adware programs, this browser hijacker, and even potentially unwanted programs. We advise you to remove as soon as you notice it in your browsers. The sooner, the better because the longer you keep it on board, the more opportunities cyber criminals have to fool you or to lure you onto their malicious websites where all kinds of bad things can happen.

Research shows that this browser hijacker can be dropped by potentially unwanted programs, including Picexa. That is why you need to be very careful when installing any software or tool. A lot of times these browser chances are offered as an option that you can opt out of if you are attentive enough. Sometimes you are only theoretically given this option because you will not actually be able to install your chosen tool unless you let it make changes to your browsers. In any case, read the stages of installation wizards always carefully to be aware of the applications and changes you are about to install.

Another way for this useless browser hijacker to end up on your computer is through bundled malicious software installers. These are available on suspicious freeware, torrent, and pornographic websites. These sites usually promote a lot of unreliable third-party content. Clicking on links and buttons on these pages is especially dangerous since it can easily result in a whole package of malware infections on your PC. If you want to avoid infections, you should never visit unfamiliar and questionable websites and you should not click on third-party ads either. As a matter of fact, if your computer is infected with adware programs, it is possible that you click on an innocent-looking advertisement on a reputable website and still get redirected to a fake or malicious website.

We have noticed that this search engine is located at the same IP address ( as another well-known browser hijacker called among others. We do not recommend the use of this search engine because you may be introduced to manipulated search results and therefore unsafe web content as well. This hijacker uses a third-party search provider as bait. Your search queries get redirected to a Google search results page, which may be rather misleading since this hijacker can modify those results to insert affiliated third parties’ advertisements and sponsored links as well. Clicking on these may land you on infected websites operated by criminals. If you would like to keep your computer clean of threats, we advise you to remove as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no working uninstaller for this browser hijacker; therefore, we can offer you manual removal. Please follow our guide below to fully get rid of Failing to do so might leave some leftovers that could regenerate this infection. If you want to make sure that your computer is free of malware threats, we suggest that you implement a reliable antimalware application that will also protect your PC from future malware invasions.

Manual Removal from Browsers

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Win+R and type in regedit.
  2. Locate HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main | Start Page (64-bit only!) and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main | Start Page, and modify the value data (“”) to a home page URL of your choice.
  3. Locate HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main | Start Page and modify the value data (“”) to a home page URL of your choice.
  4. Close the editor.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Win+E.
  2. Copy and paste “C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\” in the address bar and hit Enter.
  3. Enter the folder {Unique mozilla user ID} and open the file prefs.js with a text editor (Notepad).
  4. Search for this string and” with any home page URL of your choice: user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "").

Google Chrome

  1. Press Win+E.
  2. Copy and paste “C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default” in the address bar and press Enter.
  3. You can either remove Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data files, or open these files in a text editor and replace the URL “” with “” (or any page you prefer).
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