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Danger level 6
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions


BrickEnforcer is an adware helper known to be connected with various adware applications such as Unideals, UniSales, and YoutubeAdBlocker. BrickEnforcer is one application you definitely don’t want to have on your computer, hence our specialists recommend you to remove it in a timely manner.

There are several ways you can remove BrickEnforcer from your computer, one of them is to download an antimalware scanner such as SpyHunter to remove it automatically. We at always favor the automatic removal, because an antimalware scanner will also delete any other infections that may reside on your system. However, you may also choose to delete it manually; therefore, we have composed a removal guide that can be found bellow this article. Nevertheless, certain knowledge about BrickEnforcer is mandatory in order to understand how it works, how it is distributed, and most importantly, what the dangers this application poses are.

BrickEnforcer affects all web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. Note that this adware helper installs itself without your permission or knowledge. So it’s not surprising that it also connects to the Internet without your permission as well.

Upon installation, BrickEnforcer will immediately connect to the web and will begin to annoy you with various kinds of commercial advertisements, including pop-ups, in-text ads, banners, coupons, contextual and transitional ads, and so on. It must be said that the main reason you should remove BrickEnforcer is because the ads it promotes are a potential security risk, because they might infect your system with malware. Our researchers have determined that clicking a BrickEnforcer supported ad might get your computer infected, because all of the ads are provided by third parties.

You might get infected with BrickEnforcer if you carelessly download freeware bundles from freeware distribution websites, such as,, and so on. It is often promoted as an online security tool that will protect you while browsing the web. Our researchers have concluded that BrickEnforcer does no such thing. It is only used to get other adware applications on your computer. In addition to that, it is also able to reinstall removed infections that have been installed using the InstallRex installers. Therefore, we recommend you to remove BrickEnforcer from your system.

All in all, EnforcerAide is a potential threat to your system’s security because it helps adware get on your computer. These ads are very annoying and intrusive, but that’s not the worst part. The ads promoted by these adware applications are unreliable and may infect your computer with very dangerous malware that may corrupt your personal files. Therefore, we recommend that you remove EnforcerAide as soon as you can.

How to remove BrickEnforcer from Windows

Windows 8/Windows 8.1

  1. Open the Start Screen.
  2. Type Uninstall in the search box and then go to Settings.
  3. In the search results, click Uninstall a program.
  4. Locate BrickEnforcer and click Uninstall.

Windows 7/ Windows Vista

  1. Click Start.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. Click Uninstall a program.
  4. Locate BrickEnforcer and click Uninstall.

Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Select Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Locate BrickEnforcer and click Uninstall.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* BrickEnforcer
  • Quick & tested solution for BrickEnforcer removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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