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Danger level 6
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Annoying Pop-up's
Infection Video Outdated Java Plugin Detected Pop-up

Outdated Java Plugin Detected Pop-up

‘Outdated Java Plugin Detected’ Pop-up is a browser extension which you may face after mischievous adware is installed onto your personal computer or when you accidentally land on unreliable web pages. You certainly should pay no attention to this notification; otherwise, you could end up installing various unreliable and even highly dangerous applications. Overall, Java updates are scheduled, and so you do not need to worry about their installation. You certainly would not be offered to install any updates via suspicious pop-up notifications. Unfortunately, if this pop-up keeps reappearing, it means that you may need to remove ‘Outdated Java Plugin Detected’ Pop-up related adware.

Advertisement supported software usually enter the operating system secretly. Adware could be installed alongside other software (bundled downloads) or it could be camouflaged as authentic and reliable browser applications. Unfortunately, most computer users struggle linking unreliable applications with the suspicious advertisements flooding Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and other popular web browsers. Adware can create connections to remote servers which are responsible for the disturbing banners adverts, prize giveaways, and pop-ups similar to the ‘Outdated Java Plugin Detected’ Pop-up. Note that you may be pushed to install supposedly legitimate updates for your media players, flash players, security software, etc. Here is an excerpt of the potentially misleading notification.

Outdated Java Plugin Detected
You are currently using a Java Plugin which may be outdated
Please Update To The Latest Version Of Java (Recommended)

You need to look out for a disclaimer written in small print. In some cases this disclaimer could be used to inform you that the offered updates are not related to original software or that additional applications could be presented if you chose to complete the installation. Needless to say, this is not the update you are looking for, and so ‘Outdated Java Plugin Detected’ Pop-up should be ignored for the time being. Of course, you should not ignore that fact that your browsers are flooded with misleading ads and pop-ups.

We strongly recommend that you delete ‘Outdated Java Plugin Detected’ Pop-up related applications from your operating system. If you do not, you could be exposed to various unreliable offers, deals and advertisements. You should ignore them in order to prevent the exposure of security backdoors which unreliable parties could use to distribute malware and corrupt your personal computer. Use the manual removal guides below to delete potentially undesirable programs from the system, and then entrust automatic malware removal software to delete remaining adware components and to safeguard the PC.

Delete undesirable software

Delete from Windows 8:

  1. Tap the Windows key to access the start screen of the Metro UI.
  2. Right-click on the background, select All apps and click Control Panel.
  3. Right-click the application you wish to remove and select Uninstall.

Delete from Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  1. Move to the left of the Task Bar and click the Start icon.
  2. Open the Control Panel and click Uninstall a program.
  3. Right-click the undesirable application and select Uninstall to remove it.

Delete from Windows XP:

  1. Open the Start menu from the Task Bar.
  2. Select Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Select the undesirable application and click Remove.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Outdated Java Plugin Detected Pop-up
  • Quick & tested solution for Outdated Java Plugin Detected Pop-up removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows


  1. Martin C Dec 7, 2014

    So I have come across SYSTWEAK and CLOUDSCOUT as things that my children (from their visiting game sites) have downloaded recently have added programs that I have removed, but CLOUDSCOUT seems persistent ( it still seems to be affecting web browswers). WHY DON"T YOU HAVE ANY INFO ON THEM ?

    Posted Dec 6 2014

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