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Danger level 5
Type: Browser Plugins
Common infection symptoms:
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow internet connection
  • Annoying Pop-up's


Sometimes it may be hard to determine whether the program that you are about to install on your computer is useful or not. CouponAmazing is one of those browser extensions that cannot be considered malware, and yet they are not extremely useful as well. It is often classified as adware or potentially unwanted application, but the bottom line is that even though it is not a malicious threat, you shoulder remove CouponAmazing from your computer nevertheless, as this application could expose you to a variety of security threats.

The official website for CouponAmazing can be accessed at, but at the time of writing it is virtually impossible to download (or “upgrade your browser” as it is expressed on the website) the plugin. However, users still seem to be downloading the extension, so how does that happen? The answer to this question is that CouponAmazing is often bundled with shareware. Random programs that you encounter online for free seldom come alone. They are usually distributed along with a list of potentially unwanted plugins. CouponAmazing may be found in one of these bundles of freeware applications.

The most important thing is that CouponAmazing needs YOUR PERMISSION to get installed on your computer. Therefore, it is not a malware application that would simply do it surreptitiously behind your back. CouponAmazing, however, does nothing of the sort. If you have it on your computer, it means you have installed it on your own, whether you remember it or not. This calls for cautiousness especially when you are installing new programs downloaded from unreliable sources – be attentive and read all the installation steps carefully, as you may miss a box that allows you opt out.

CouponAmazing itself should improve your online shopping experience. However, the question whether the application is reliable arises just after taking one glance at the official website – several spelling mistakes over there are more than apparent. Not to mention that some of the coupon advertisements can be easily hacked by malicious third parties, as CouponAmazing is not responsible for the third party content displayed in these ads. This way, sooner or later you will be exposed to malware, and it could seriously impair your PC.

How to remove CouponAmazing

Windows 8

  1. Move mouse cursor to the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Select Settings and click Control Panel.
  3. Go to Uninstall a program and remove CouponAmazing.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Open Start menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Click Uninstall a program and remove CouponAmazing.

Windows XP

  1. Press Start button and click Control Panel.
  2. Select Add or remove programs and uninstall CouponAmazing.

Normally, it should be enough to remove CouponAmazing via Control Panel, for it to disappear from your browser as well. After manual removal, you should scan your PC with SpyHunter free scanner as to check whether there are any other potentially dangerous programs on board. Do all it takes to protect your system from possible threats.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* CouponAmazing
  • Quick & tested solution for CouponAmazing removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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