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Danger level 6

Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up

Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up is a fake security message that promotes a particular tech support number. We have concluded that this fake service is aimed at novice computer users and make them think that their computer was infected by a dangerous computer infection that needs to be removed. The promoted tech support number can be a premium rate, and we believe that this fake security message was created with the sole purpose of making as much money as possible. This fake alert can be a redirect from a shady website or come in a pop-up window also rendered by a website or an adware-type application. At this point in time, there is not a lot of information about it because it is rather new. However, we have obtained information that you may find useful.

Evidently, Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up was created by an unknown entity because it was not digitally signed by anyone. This pop-up is malware after all, so the developer wants to stay in the shadows and reap the rewards. There are several theories on how this fake alert can be shown on your computer. Some Internet security specialists say that this alert is a redirect or pop-up that you get when you visit a particular website, others claim that it is rendered by adware that is either distributed on freeware sites or bundled with keygens that come with pirated software.

Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up was created to promote a fake tech support phone number 0800-090-3285. The message displayed by this fake alert claims that your PC has been infected by the ALUREON Virus. Apparently, its developer uses scare tactics to compel you to dial the featured number. However, if you decide to call that number do not expect to receive quality tech support. The people on the other end of the line can try to sell you useless software such as Reimage, PC Purifier, Cloud System Care, Win Tune Pro or some other shady system optimization tool.

The featured message also states “Please do not close or open your internet browser to avoid data corruption of your registery of your operation system,” and “PLEASE DO NOT SHUT DOWN OR RESTART YOUR COMPUTER DOING THAT MAY LEAD TO DATA LOSS AND FAILIURE OF OPERATING SYSTEM.” Again, its developer does not want you to figure out that the message is fake, but you can simply close Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up without fear of repercussion.

In concussion, Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up is one fake security alert that aims to trick you into dialing its promoted fake tech support number. It is plain to see that the purpose of that tech support is to promote and sell useless software and services that can set you back a reasonable amount of money. If you get this fake alert constantly, then you probably have software on your PC that is set to open this alert. You need to detect and delete it, but because this software is unknown, we recommend using SpyHunter’s free scan feature to detect the malicious software and then go to the destination folder and remove Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up manually.

Removal Guide

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Go to http://www.pcthreat.com/download-sph
  3. Download SpyHunter-Installer.exe and install it.
  4. Run it and select Scan Computer Now!
  5. Then, press Window+E keys.
  6. Enter the file path in the File Explorer’s address box and hit Enter.
  7. Right-click the malicious executable and click Delete.
  8. Empty the Recycle Bin.
  9. Done.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up
  • Quick & tested solution for Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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